Personally experiencing a full up-front version of virtual
reality with you immersed inside as the star player, is the 'in-thing' in
modern digital technology right now. Immersing yourself in 3-D 'what if'
scenarios, ideally of your own creation - the early versions of the ultimate in
Star Trek holodeck simulations - is the name of the virtual reality game. Of
course you already experience virtual reality . Anything and everything you
experience is courtesy of your sensory apparatus, your memories, and your
overall state of being as a conscious, self-aware being. If all reality is
experienced solely within your mind then you already exist in a virtual reality
'world'. That's especially the case when you dream. That could also literally
be the case. In that Star Trek virtual reality holodeck, some characters were
really real and some characters were virtually real. What if in this (holodeck)
world you are actually one of those virtual reality characters? Welcome to the
world of virtual reality.
There is a lifelong virtual reality scenario that plays out
inside your skull from the time you develop a reasonable facsimile of a brain
until your death. This unfolding virtual reality scenario, call it
consciousness if you will, is being constantly upgraded as you continue to
receive new sensory data from outside (outside being external to your skull).
But the contents of this ever unfolding mental virtual reality scenario (I
don't really want to call it a 'game'), your mental path through life from
birth to death, do not endlessly increase. Your brain is not a black hole
receptacle that can suck in everything that externally comes your way.
At any and every given moment only part of the overall
virtual reality scenario your mind finds itself in is front-and-centre. That's
pretty much what you are conscious of in the immediate here and now. Other
parts are stored away as memory, in your subconscious, out of sight and out of
mind until needed. But by far and away most of this virtual reality mental
software just dissolves away back into bits and bytes. Over your lifespan you
are going to forget 99.999% of what you ever experienced. These bits and bytes
will just be reused, recycled, reassembled as required - the raw materials from
which the next episode of complex front-and-centre virtual reality conscious
experience plays out. Other bits and bytes are lost via heat and other waste
products to be replaced by your intake and breaking down of food, air, water,
etc. So your brain just isn't an endlessly absorbing sponge or dump of bits and
bytes. Translated, over your lifespan, bits and bytes in will pretty much equal
bits and bytes out.
The same with our simulation - if simulation there be. There
is the highly structured NOW where the bits and bytes are assembled into our
perceived virtual reality landscape. All of the assembled bits and bytes that
made up NOW, now dissolve back into their fundamental components to be reused,
recycled and reassembled for the new, next, upcoming NOW. In other words, all
of the software that is now past tense, that has served its purpose and has
come and gone, can be reused, recycled and reassembled into the software
required that's yet to come - of the future yet to unfold.
If the initial mind analogy isn't sufficient, think of one
of our own simulations, be it gaming, training or "what if" research.
Only a part of the whole is active at any one time and, in the first two cases
at least (gaming and training) under the control of the user (i.e. - the player
or trainee). So at any one time, presumably the NOW time, only a small fraction
of the gaming, training or "what if" scenario software is
operational. That's all the computer need handle from moment to moment. That
NOW fraction. As things evolve, new software comes into play and old software
retreats into the background in a dormant mode. Thus, you can have a massive
amount of software, say enough to simulate the entire visible Universe, but
only a small fraction is being played out and processed at any one time - thus
you don't need massive computing crunch power to simulate an entire Cosmos
since not all of the simulated Cosmos is in-your-face in any NOW moment.
Now the only reality that you have ever known is the reality
you find yourself in right now. You have never known any other kind of reality
even though you know some actual, and some potential other realities exist. You
know there has to be some sort of reality inside a Black Hole but exactly what
that is, nobody knows, and even though there is speculation that our entire
Cosmos is the inside of a Black Hole, you're probably assuming that you aren't
inside a Black Hole reality. You know there is virtual reality because we have
created computer simulations yet you are not a character in one of our vide
games. Potentially, there might be the reality of extra
dimensions according to string theory. Still, the only reality that you have
every known is right here and now.
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